Biggest countries in the world

Mukesh Yadav
2 min readJan 28, 2022

A simple question like “How many countries are there in the world?” at your trivia night, this question will spark a lot of conversation or astonishment.

The answer might be 193, 195, 207, or even 327, depending on who you ask.

The world is divided into 195 countries according to the United Nations.

A sovereign state or country has its governance and borders, as defined by the United Nations. Furthermore, the world is home to 193 countries, plus two observer states, according to the United Nations (Palestine and Vatican City).

There are 195 countries in the world.

The newest country added to the list is South Sudan (since 2011).

Countries with at least partial recognition around the world — 201.

To become a United Nations-recognized country, it must be recognised as such by all UN member states. As a result, several countries do not recognise one another. Additionally, It is the subject of a heated debate over the correct answer to the question of how many countries exist on the planet.

Kosovo, Taiwan, Western Sahara, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, and Northern Cyprus are just a few examples (disputed by Greece).

Countries of the world including self-declared states — 205.

We must also consider countries that have declared their independence. These countries have no international recognition, and their claims to sovereignty are frequently contested from the start.

Somaliland, for example, has declared independence from Somalia. They have their flag, currency, and passports. Artsakh declared independence from Azerbaijan, while Transnistria declared independence from Moldova.

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, a tiny nation with its capital in Rome, comes in last.

The Olympic Committee recognises 206 countries around the world.

If you are a sports fan, or at the very least an Olympic fan, the countries participating in these events may appear to be an obvious choice.

To qualify, you do not have to be a fully recognised country, which is why the following countries are on the list: Palestine, Kosovo, Taiwan, and dependent territories such as Porto Rico in the United States of America, the Cook Islands in New Zealand, Bermuda, American Samoa, and Aruba.

Originally posted on Biggest countries!

